Case Status API - Production

Pre-Requisites for Requesting Production Access

Before you request access to Case Status API – Production, you should;

  • Have a registered account for 
  • Have a registered Developer App for the Case Status API – Sandbox
  • Have actively implemented and tested your API solution in Sandbox.

Case Status API – Production Features & Capabilities

The following are available in Production:

  • Live receipt numbers are supported. 
  • Staging Receipt Numbers are not supported.
  • Quota is limited to 10,000 daily and resets everyday at Midnight (GMT).
  • API concurrency limit is set to 10 transaction per second (tps)

Requesting Production Access

If you meet our pre-requisites and are ready to request a demo for Case Status API – Production, please contact us at

We will review your request and confirm that you have met the minimum requirements. We will email you a blank affidavit. Please fill out and return the affidavit with a wet signature. This step is required to book your demo. 

More details on our Demo Requirements can be found on the Get Started Page